Women's Rights In islam
Today i am going to post a topic Women's Rights In islam Before the arrival of islam, women were no better than animals.in many countries of east as well as of the west ,women were generally treated like slaves.there main function was to serve men day and night and provide personal satisfaction to them.they had no right,no privilege and no status.
They could not own any land or property in their names.they had no freedom to choose a way of living according to their linking. They were just living being without any initiative of their own.
Women were like commercial commodities that were sold and bought in open market.they could not inherit anything from the belongings of their parents, husbands or other near relations.often they themselves were inherited by the relatives of their husband after the latter's death.in Arabia and some other countries.
the usual custom was that female children were killed or buried immediately after their birth.the people regarded girls as a burden or a case of shame for the family.
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Women's Rights In islam and Status of women in Christianity
The views of some early Christian saint on the position of women are noted below:
"Women is the organ of the devil."
"Women is the fountain of the arm of the devil,her voice is the hissing of the serpent."
St Antony
"Women is a scorpion ,ever ready to sting.she is the Lance of the domen."
St Bonaventure
"Women is the gate of the devil, the road of inequality, tjt Sting of the scorpion."
St Jerome
"Women is a daughter of falsehood,asentinel of hell, the enemy of a through her Adam lost paradise".
St.john Damascene
"Women has the poison of an asp, the malice of a dragon."
St . Gregory, The great
Status of women in Hinduism
The views of some famous hindu law -givers on the status of women together with a few extracts from their holy scriptures are given below.
"A wife ,a son and a slave are devoid of property.whatever they acquire becomes his whose they are."
Manu VIII, 416
"A women is never fit for independence "
Manu lX,3
"A women heart is devoid of self control and fidelity, and in the balance of reason she weighs very light."
Rig Veda :8,13,17
Islam and liberty of women
The second caliph hazrat Umar (RA) says:-
" In the pre -islamic period, we did not give any life to women until Allah, the exalted, revealed neccenece commandants for them and fixed appropriate shrae for them "
As a matter of fact , Islam is the only religion which has seriuseri taken up the cause of women.the real liberty of women owes it's origin to the religion of Islam and give high authority of Women's Rights In islam .it has raised the position of women folk and defined relation of man and woman in clear and unmistakable terms. In the holy quran there is a chapter know as"Nisa."(meaning women)which largely deals with women's rights.its opening is with the following verse:
"O mankind: be careful to your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created it mate , and from the twain hate spread abroad a multitude of men and women.be careful to your duty towards allah in whom you claim (your right) of one another and towards the womb (that bore you) .veril . Allah hath been a watcher over you." . ( IV:1)
Islam demands that relationship between husband and wife must rest on love and affection rather than on mere satisfaction of bodily desire , they must live as good partners, each respecting the views and sentiments of the other.
The holy book says;
"They (wives)are clothing for you and clothing for them." (II:187)
Islam place man and women on an equal footing. Of course, there is a biological difference between the two,and that is quite natural.A part from this difference, they are equal in almost all respects and their rights and obligation are similar.
"And they (women) have rights similar to thith (of men) over them in kindness , and men are a degree above them .allah is mighty and wise ."
lot of chance religion gives to Women's Rights In islam given below.
Women can earn a livelihood of their own choice,on the condition that they keep modesty.islam has granted women a position of respect and honour.
Women have full liberty to select partners in life .no marriage can be regarded as lawful without their consent .they can possess property in their names and inherit it from their parents, husbands and other relations. They have the right to get education like men, as the prophet (saw) has made it compulsory on both men and women to acquire knowledge.
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