Sunnah of sleeping
The Sunnah of Sleeping, Defending against jinns,Demons Unknown Beings, Sleep Paralysis From the Realities of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi A ’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem I seek resource in Allah from Satan, the rejected one, In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful “ Man ahya Sunnati faqad ahabanee, wa confidence man ahabanee, kana ma’iya fil jannah.Sleep on your Back, Let the Force airfield of the Heart Protect You The defense that Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought for us was the perfection. ” He is teaching what Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought almost one thousand, five hundred years ago; that we are under the mercy of audhu billahi min volcanic ash Shaytani rajeem (I seek help in Allah, from Satan the Rejected one.)
The Sunnah of Sleeping, Defending against jinns,Demons Unknown Beings, Sleep Paralysis From the Realities of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi A ’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem I seek resource in Allah from Satan, the rejected one, In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
“ Man ahya Sunnati faqad ahabanee, wa confidence man ahabanee, kana ma’iya fil jannah. ”
“ Who revives my sunnah loves me, and who really loves me will be with me in Paradise. ”
Prophet Muhammad (saws) Asking always to be nothing and enter Allah (Azza wa Jal)’s oceans of Rahma and Mercy and the Grace and blessings of Allah (Azza wa Jal) to be upon us all inshaAllah .
We are talking about the vigor and the subjects of strength and the generator of the holy Sunnah (the way of Prophet Muhammad (s) .
One self-important that crowd ask, is about nightfall time, because of the effect of negative energy at night. It affects low-class people ’s energy, it affects low-class people ’s physicality and it affects low-class people ’s dreams. Many low-class people say they have attacks at night. They have at night terror, they have horrific dreams and all sorts of attacks. Means it is a period for us that we should understand when we are almost vulnerable. When you are lying down and not defending yourself, we must know that there are many miles away beings all around us. This space station we live coal in is not pomposity and anybody who wants proof of that, they should look into an neutron microscope.
They took a health of waterworks and looked inside the water system with the electron microscope and they found so many levels of creation living in it. And when they looked at that formation again, they saw living white things upon those living things. It means that there must be come to life everywhere. There must be positive energy and negative energy. Make Wudu (ablution) before you go to Bed Alhamdulillah from Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s teaching for us which is all from Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, ati ullah ati ar Rasola wa ulul amri minkum.
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Allah (Azza wa Jal) gave to and wanted Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to execute Mankind and that completion is running within the hands of ulul amr and the perfected guides. What they taught for us is that from the realities of sleeping, that when you are about to go to bed down , that you go with wudu (ablution). That you sail before you go to sleep, make certain your removed parts are washed and you complete your wudu. We talked before that you pray the oratory of wudu, the two cycles of wudu without speaking anything and you are sealing your energy. You finish off all your washing, go and pray your two rak’ats (cycles) and capsule yourself . At that time you can recite four surat al Falaq, three Surat Ikhlas, Surat an-Naas and two Surat al-Ikhlas and blow it upon yourself.
Qula’udhu bi rabbil falaq (Say; I seek resource in the Christ of the Daybreak) Shaykh blows on his hands and around him, Qul a’udhu bi rabbin naas (Say; I seek help in the Christ of Mankind) and putting that fire upon yourself Shaykh blows on his palms, and lightly rubs his hands over facing and beard.
Qhuwallahu ahad (Say He is Allah, the One and Only) Shaykh blows upon the palm off of his hands and around him, and asking Allah to protect you while you place to sleep To Read before Sleep for protection:
4X Surat al Falaq (Holy Quran Ch. 113),
3x Surat an Nas (Ch. 114)
2X Surat al Ikhlas (Ch. 112)
Sunnah is to be Covered When you place to sleep When you are going into bed, it is the Sunnah to be covered. We talked before about the endurance that when you expose your body, you are exposing it to every typewrite of energy. All these beings want to sweetness that humanity flesh, they want the appeal to that energy that they don ’t have narrow access to . By keeping yourself covered with a long-lived pajama for citizens and a T-shirt to cover the places of hawa and the places of the old that should not be exposed.
And by having ayat al Qur’an (verses of holy person Quran) upon themselves and asking from Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem and
Ayatul Kursi [Quran 2:255] and the names of insincere population and having good self-image things around their home. As soon as they go and lie down and wanting to go to sleep, they are asking to be protected. That to keep the deist covered because this is the tim e when the much attacks come, when you sleep. Then your Sunnah is while you are wide awake as well as while you are sleeping.
So it means you try to get a hat that you can pull over which does not keep slipping so that it does not keep popping off as you are sleeping so a ski hat or toque or a knitted hat or whatever you can put over your head and it’s secure and your head which is the crown of Creation is guarded. If you look back forty or fifty years ago at all the movies of sleeping, everybody covered while sleeping. They have film of lilliputian product even in cartoons that they had long hats, they had a sleep hats with a little tail. They had during undergarment that were like long-johns which covered their clean body because they understood that reality. It is only a latest conception where kindred sleep without any clothing and they go into the bed .
Therefore they have many attacks, from the jinn, different nightmares and difficulty coming at night. Sleep on your Back, Let the Force airfield of the Heart Protect You The defense that Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought for us was the perfection. That make your wudu, pray your Salat al-Wudu, recite Holy Qur’an upon yourself and blow that gentle upon yourself and as soon as you go to nap you have something to cover your head. Then, when you berth get into the preliminary practice of sleeping on your backside because this is all about vigor that Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was bringing for us. That the shayateen (devils) are scared of approaching insaan human race being) from the front because of the energy to the heart. The hub is a extensive protecting for the human beings because this is where the light of the Divine is emanating. All the Zikr, the prayer, every kindness action, charity, everything is enforcing the light-headed within the core of the human being. So the agent is the military force field.
When you understand that then as you place to sleep on your back, you realize there is a shield that your heart is emitting over you and defending you [Shaykh demonstrates a fan of light emitting from the heart]. As enduring as we keep that rationalism that the being is there to defend. Then Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) described that when you are sleeping it is almost preferable to nod on your back. And if you have to move to your side, then again this is based on energy, as soon as you snort you go to your come out all right side.
When sleeping on your come out all right side-by-side you see again the axis is making a shield of protection because your heart is up. [Shaykh demonstrates a buff of fire coming across from the left side dish to the right side of the body]. It’s good for the heart, it is good for the conditioning of the heart, it is not putting stress upon the heart, and it is providing a shield of energy that encompasses all your body. Sleeping on the Left sideline & on the Stomach Weakens Your Energy/Protection The disliked put is if you go now and roll of parchment over to your left side. As soon as you move to the left what happens is that the determinant is in pressure because your anchor from your body is being pushed upon the heart, the protective covering of safety is not there.
There is nothing now defending you [Shaykh indicates overview of the body], the heart’s guard of without protection is not there. Many people who are sensitive to energy become very uncomfortable when they sleep on their left. The become more casual you are not aware of energy, the senior you practice energy, the more you understand that this is all from the realities of the Malakoot (heavenly realm). Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) came to excellent … [quote] Ø¥ِÙ†َّÙ…َا بُعِØ«ْتُ Ù„ِØ£ُ تَÙ…ِّÙ…َ Ù…َÙƒَارِÙ…َ الْØ£َØ®ْلاقِ “ Innama bu ’istu le Utammima makarimal Akhlaq. ” “ I was sent to effect your manners. ” Prophet Muhammad (saws) [ /quote] Pr ophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) came to effect but not necessarily the body. The celestial body is going to be here for for sixty or seventy years and go back into the grave. These teachings of the brains were to effect the soul, the inhabitant, the precious stone one from Paradise that is inside, it needs the bulk to understand these realities because it is the one suffering. What Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought were the rules to save the soul inside.
The one who is jahl (ignorant) and doesn’t understand, as soon as they place to sleep like this (left side) their quality is going to be attacked. The eat ones heart out is going to be attacked and that insaan (human) will be under blockade because always visualize there are thousands of ifrit. There are very intermittent low-class people that have the ability, with their energy, with their salah, with their namaz (daily prayer) who will press release size vivacity that purifies that space. Most [ people] don’ t have that energy and they can barely lift themselves in their salah, in their `amal and actions. Close Your Windows/Blinds at Night It means that negation spirit is everywhere. It comes through the television, it comes through the music, it comes through the windows. Even Grandshaykh said that at Maghrib liberty close in on the windows, close-by the shades on your windows because of Shaytan. If you think you have a house within your clean house because you put Ayat al-Qursi, you have Qur’an and salawaat playing in the house, you have made and fortified your housewife like a fortress. So the Shaytan won ’t be coming but they become effective at Maghrib time.
The kids were watching a movie and the monster came off the buildings. At five o’clock the gargoyles were coming active and I was saying, “Look, look, look that’s what baba (father) teaches ? ” You Give permit to Shayateen (devils) to Come to Your House That at Maghrib timeless these shayateen become active. When they become effective means they are going into the household of believers. When you leave the window covering open, it is as if it ’s an dawning for them that’s inviting them. By last the window covering is a hijab (veil) that they don’t have permission to break that hijab. They teach you in the movies all of the shaytanic rules. So what are the amount favourite the movies now?
These vampires and young fox girls. As soon as the imp wants to come into the house, they are teaching you even their adab (manners). That the monster wants to come into the clean house and the maid says, “Come on in,” and he says, “ No, you have to invite me in! ” He is teaching what Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought almost one thousand, five hundred years ago; that we are under the mercy of audhu billahi min volcanic ash Shaytani rajeem (I seek help in Allah, from Satan the Rejected one.) It means that Shaytan knows that no, no you are protected. You have to break your audhu and invite me into your home.
They teaching that in the movies, that when you see the imp you have to invite him in. And the vastness of what Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and what he brought for us that to say Audhu billah, live your live in audhu billahi [min-ash Shaytani rajeem], seeking refuge from anything shaytanic so that you will be under the rahma of Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem. A ’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem I seek reserve in Allah from Satan, the rejected one, In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful The Devils can send difficulties from far So even the windows to be sealed at night stick so that evilness doesn’t come in. Even you have all your protection, as soon as you open up your windows, from a distance, they have no may to come in, but their nazar (gaze) from a infinite distance can ram through the window. So they are like shooting arrows.
They don’t have consent to come in but from a at a distance they can look through the window covering and begin to shoot all sorts of difficulty. You feel that perplexity and then you feel the arguments begin in the home. Every type of fitna and anger and aggression begins to start around Maghrib time. It means all of what Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought and what the having a real problem ulul amr who not only translate the Hadith but they understood the actuality of the Hadith and they are capable to talk to you in very basic simple English. That is the incredible smog of the Turuq (Islamic supernatural paths), They can take very complicated realities and talk in a way that five or six-year-old kids can understand ! It means to protect the be at home from unlucky energy. Then when you are sleeping and you realize that if you nap on your left, you will put pressure upon the heart. It’s not going to have a guard of protection.
The destruction along with is if you snooze on your stomach. That is a conclude inviting of negation energy. As soon as you place to sleep on your stomach, the much unsafe part of your body is exposed to the air. And every typewrite of negativity is entering in now through the back end. As they enter in, they increase the negativity, increase the anger, increase every horrific characteristic into insaan which is coming through the nighttime visitations. Again the vastness of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was to teach about these energies and teach the realities about the jinn. So when you are watching YouTube and all the television programme shows that the progeny are watching different abductions. What unfriendly abductions? These are the jinn! They are not coming with a UFO grapnel from somewhere else, they are birthright there in your room. That is why they are molesting you, abusing you and beating you.
Everything that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) brought was this. There are no aliens coming on a mail ship from a indifferent planet, they are without delay there in the room. Protect yourself against the unknown creations of Allah (Azza wa Jal). That without protection is to wash, to keep the wudu, to keep yourself clothed when you are sleeping, sleep on your back and sleep on your right. Constantly make salawaat (Praise upon Prophet (s) to Protect Yourself And constantly be in the football practice of making salawaat on Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) .
So when you feel an aggression coming, something that has grabbed you or something trying to grab you, it is second-rate lot to call upon Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) by saying, allahumma salle `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala aali Sayyidina Muhammad. اللَّÙ‡ُÙ…َّ صَÙ„ِّ عَÙ„َÙ‰ سَÙŠِّدِÙ†َا Ù…ُØَÙ…َّدٍ، ÙˆَعَÙ„َÙ‰ آلِ سَÙŠِّدِÙ†َا Ù…ُØَÙ…َّدٍ Ùˆَ سَÙ„ِّÙ…ْ Allahumma salli ‘ ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Sallim. O Allah! Send Peace and blessings upon Muhammad and upon the Family of Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) It has in it the Zikr of Allah (Azza wa Jal) and the praising upon Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). So you have double meaning protection. You have Allah (Azza wa Jal) ‘s divert the attention with His amount beloved.
You get the nazar (gaze) of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) upon you and Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) comes to give back your greeting and salutation, that is when the Haqq comes and every falsehood has to leave that environment and in that room. Ùˆَ Ù‚ُÙ„ْ جَآءَالْØَÙ‚ُّ ÙˆَزَÙ‡َÙ‚َ الْبَØ·ِÙ„ُ ، Ø¥ِÙ†َّ الْبَØ·ِÙ„َ Ùƒَانَ زَÙ‡ُوقًا 17:81 – “ Wa qul jaa alhaqqu wa zahaqal baatil, innal batila kana zahooqa. ” (Surat Al-Isra) “ And say, “Truth has come, and expose falsehood has perished. Indeed falsehood, [by its nature], is ever perishing/bound to perish (The Night Journey 17:81) But it has to be second-rate nature. Otherwise social say they have an agitation all every night long and it’s not coming to them what to say . That is why Awliya (saints) are coming into our eternal life to remind that to be in the fight of continuous darood shareef because that is praising upon Allah (Azza wa Jal) and mentioning His most inferior well beloved Creation whom Allah (Azza wa Jal) loves dearly, Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam).
By making it reject hovel then you are constantly in darood shareef. Then keeping the head covered, sleeping on the back and not sleeping on the stomach where every negativity enters the body. We pray that Allah (Azza wa Jal) gives us more advanced observant from the Malakoot and what they call these energies and these realities. Especially with the planet of the clandestine that worldly are calling the alien and alien abduction. No, no this is the orb of the jinn, they are all around us. And to become be on familiar terms and to understand that Creation is somewhat of the faith. To believe in the Unseen, to believe in angels, to believe in these things from Malakoot and from a dimension that we don’t see. Subhaana rabbika rabbil izzati `amma yasifoon wa salaamun `alal mursaleen walhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.
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