The greatest name of Allah.
*الٓÙ…ّٓ ۚۙ *
(3:1) Alif, Lam, Mim.
*اللّٰÙ‡ُ Ù„َاۤ اِÙ„ٰÙ‡َ اِÙ„َّا Ù‡ُÙˆَۙ الۡØَÙ‰ُّ الۡÙ‚َÙŠُّÙˆۡÙ…ُؕ *
*(3:2) Allah, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, Who sustains the entire order of the universe - there is no God but He.*
_Surah Aal-Imran begins with a reminder of Tawheed [Oneness of Allah]. Allah begins the Surah by describing some of His attributes._
★ The Surah begins with *Haroof ul Muqataat.* No one knows their meaning except Allah ï·»
★ _Haroof ul Muqataat means the disjointed letters because these letters are read individually. They will always be written together but they are void of any harakah. For example, Alif-Laam-Meem cannot be read as alam._
★ Twenty-nine Surahs of the Qur’an begin with the Haroof ul Muqataat. Whenever Haroof ul Muqataat appear in the Qur’an, it will be noted that they are followed by an ayah that either exalts the status of the Qur’an or an ayah that explains some miraculous feature of the Qur’an.
*Ayah 2*
*“Allah”* this is the personal and Grand Name of Allah ï·»
“La ilaha illa Huwa,” there is no God but Allah. No one has the right to be worshiped but Him.
▪︎Explaining the word *ilah,* Ibn ‘Abbas رضالله عنه said that it is what everything worships and turns to.
_If He is the Only One that has the right to be worshiped then we need to let go of all the false deities that we have allowed to enter our lives._
How have we allowed the false deities?
In our lives, it is our love for other things or another human being that stops us from obeying Allah ï·»
In our hearts, we know that we are in error and we must not do so
but we are so afraid of losing or offending the other person that we continue to disobey Allah ï·»._
▪︎ Sometimes we value the opinion of our scholars or Shaikh so much that even if it contradicts with the authentic tafaseer and ahadeeth we refuse to acknowledge that our scholar or Shaikh could be wrong.
It is for us to look into our lives and see what false deities we have taken._
*Requirement for Worship*
1. It requires that the one being worshiped must occupy the highest point of honor and power and who has to be perfect from all angles.
2. Anything which cannot sustain its own being rather is dependent upon somebody else for its existence could hardly claim to have any honor or power in its own right.
Therefore, all things in this world which have no power to come into being by themselves, nor can they sustain it, none of them is worthy of worship._
*3. The only Being worthy of worship is the One who has always been Alive and Present and shall always live and sustain.*
*Such a Being is none but Allah; there is none worthy of worship but Him.*