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Origin and Types of Jinn

Origin and Types of Jinn


Today I'm going to know you Origin and Types of Jinn in this universe Allah subhanahu wa tala create all the world with human, animals insects, mountaina, sky,earth and all those things which exist in this universe
Like this creators create jinn we know as jinnat 

Origin of Jinn

The Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from smokeless fire, and Adam was created from that which has been described to you.” [Muslim]
Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) tells us that jinn were created from fire, as He says: “And the jinn He created from a smokeless flame of fire.” [Quran: Surah Rahmaan, Ayat 15]
Ibn Abbaas, Ikrimah, Mujaahid, Al-Hasan and others said concerning the phrase “a smokeless flame of fire” – this means the edge of the flame. According to another report, it means the purest and best part of it. [Al-Bidaayah wa’l-Nihaayah]
An-Nawawi said: “The smokeless flame means the flame which is mixed with the blackness of the fire.” [Sharh an-Nawawi ala Muslim]
“And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire.” [Quran: Surah Hijr, Ayat 27]
This Ayat also tells us that the creation of jinn came before the creation of man. that is why Today I'm going to know you Origin and Types of Jinn in this universe. 
The Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The jinn are three types; one type which flies through the air; one type which is (like) snakes and dogs; and one which moves from place to place.” [Tabaraani]
Ibn Abd al-Barr said: “Among the scholars of (Arabic) language the jinn have several names:
(i) If a jinn is mentioned in general terms, they say Jinni.
(ii) If they refer to one of those who live with people, they say Aamir, plural Ummaar (literally, dweller or haunter).
(iii) If it is one of those that attach themselves to children, they say Arwaah (literally souls).
(iv) If it is evil and tries to cause harm, they say Shaytaan (devil).
(v) If it is worse than that, they say Maarid (literally, rebellious or defiant; demon or evil spirit).
(vi) If it is even worse than that and stronger, they say Ifreet, plural Afaareet (strong).” [Aakaam al-Mirjaan fi Ahkaam al-Jaan]

Jinns Seen by Dogs and Donkeys

The Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “If you hear the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey, then seek refuge with Allah,(Subhana wa ta’ala) for they see that which you do not see.” [Sunan Abu Dawood]
A hadith in Bukhari states specifically that what the dogs and donkeys see are the devils among the jinn. 
To be protected from that which can see you while you cannot see it, invoke the help of the One Who can see it but cannot be seen by it – Allah (subhana wa ta’ala).
Even though we cannot see the jinn, other living creatures such as donkeys and dogs can see them. The idea that some animals see things which we cannot see is not strange. Scientists have discovered the ability of some living creatures to see things that we cannot see. Bees can see ultra-violet rays and are therefore able to see the sun even when it is cloudy, and an owl can see a mouse in the darkest night.

Jinn Eat and Drink

Ibn Masood (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (Subhanawa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A caller from among the jinn came to me, and I went with him and recited Quran to them.” Ibn Masood (radi Allahu anhu) said that the Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) took them and showed them their footsteps and the traces of their fires. They had asked him for provision and he had prayed to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) and told them: “You will have every bone over which the name of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) has been mentioned; when it falls into your hands it will have plenty of meat on it. And all droppings are food for your animals.” Then the Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Do not use them (bones and dung) to clean yourselves after relieving yourselves, for they are the food of your brothers.” [Saheeh Muslim]
This hadith proves that the jinns eat and drink and that some among them are Muslims and listen to the Quran. 
Just as man is forbidden to eat meat over which the name of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) has not been mentioned, the believing (Muslim) jinn are also forbidden to eat those bones over which the name of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) has not been mentioned. Such things are left for the devils to eat, who are the Kuffaar among the jinn. 
The devils regard food as permissible if the name of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) has not been mentioned over it. So say “Bismillah” when beginning to eat to prevent the devils from partaking of your food.
We should realize that if we are forbidden to spoil the food of the jinn, it is a more serious sin to spoil the food of man. We should not throw food away or waste it, but ensure that it reaches the hungry.
The fact that dung is the food of the animals of the jinn is not the only reason that we are not allowed to use it to clean ourselves. The Messenger of Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) mentioned another reason too, as he stated clearly that dung is Rijs (filth). [Saheeh Bukhari]
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